Wednesday, January 22, 2014

last 20% post

In evaluating our 20% project's success, with our goal being to create an awareness of the importance of recycling plastic, I feel like we could have done better, but we did make a lot if progress. We have started small and created a great start to our project with the time we have been given, and we will continue with our project for the rest of the year.
This last month we just kept taking the bottles out to recycling on Fridays after taking off the caps and dumping out all the nasty stuff that some nasty people like to stuff into the bottles. Haha. Some of the obstacles were some disagreements with our posters from some of the staff at the highschool, and finding time on our own time to take the plastic to recycling.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Natural Resources.

oil- controlled by government
natural gas- government
h2o- government
solar- neither
timber- government
coal- government
people- government
food- government
wild game- government

oil- government
natural gas-government
h2o- government
solar- neither
wind- government
timber- government
minerals- government
coal- government
people- people
food- people
wild game- government

Socialism vs. Communism: Government

One difference is that the government is elected by the people in socialism, but in communism, the government picks the government.
Control is the industries job in socialism. In communism the people are controlled by the government is most aspects. They design your life.
Another big diffrence is the fact that because in communism wages are controlled by the government, there are no taxes. Socialism has huge taxes on the people, so they are able to do the things they want to. Socialism gives you government security to retire. In Communism, you retire when the government says so.

Monday, January 6, 2014


All schools are equal
Government decides what you are going to study
Only public schools
If not all of the schools, most of them require school uniforms
Government controlled courses and controlled school hours and work hours
All schooling is paid for by the government
Education is a huge value
all the education you get is for the good of the country
no one can stand out or be above another
teachers are paid by the government.
An example would be China.

Both public and private schooling
Some school require uniforms but not all
The students have options in what they do.
Everyone can attend school
Government makes some schooling mandatory
Usually requires students to attend school till a certain age
An example would be France.

Both public and private schools are available
School systems are kinda based if who has the money
You have to pay to go to school
School is a choice and not necessarily enforced
The government doesn't help with financial aid when going into higher education
There aren't really any true capitalistic schools

Have schools

Monday, December 9, 2013


  Because I was instructed that I MUST pick a side on whether or not I agree that raising the minimum wage up to $15.00 would be more beneficial or not, I honestly believe that it would not be more beneficial to do so. I believe that it would be silly to raise the minimum wage up to $15. "As I say, this is simply an absurd demand. There would be very large unemployment effects from such a raise meaning that many people would simply lose their jobs." (Tim Worstall, I agree with Worstall. Because businesses would have to raise the amounts they pay, they would have to take away jobs, and only keep the people that they need and that are the most skilled of their workers. This would cause people to lose their jobs, therefore decreasing the amount of people with jobs and raising the poverty line. "The proposal for a $15 an hour minimum wage will make the minimum wage 90% of the median hourly wage: at which point we know very well that we’ll be harming low income workers, not aiding them." (Tim Worstall,

Also, this could possible affect me at my age. "When the government increases the minimum wage, it’s more expensive to hire first-timers. According to David Neumark and J.M. Salas, University of California economists, and William Wascher of the Federal Reserve Board, “minimum wages tend to reduce employment among teenagers." (Rockland Times)

Also, better research has shown that raising the minimum wage would only hurt the economy rather than help. "Perhaps this is understandable — proponents don’t have many good studies to hang their hats on. The vast majority of economic research (including 85 percent of the best studies from the last two decades) points to job losses rather than job gains after a minimum-wage hike."( 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

lalalalalalala (:

STOCK: A stock is a share of a company. You can use it to make money, so when the stock value goes up that's when you make your money, and when the stock value goes down you lose money. 
DIVIDEND: I'm not actually sure what a dividend is. But I think is has to do with the company paying the shareholder for some reason. 
TRADE: A trade is when you buy a stock and only plan to keep it for a short amount of time. A trade doesn't generally make as great of a value as investments, but trades are normally to buy when you know that there is going to be a drastic increase in value due to a special event or something, then you get rid of the stock after you make the money you were expecting, or in some cases more or less. 
CATALYST: A catalyst is anything that can affect a stock either positively or negatively. You mostly use them to make money in the stock market, but it can either increase or decrease the values of your stocks depending on the circumstances. 

Monday, December 2, 2013


The total value of one cup of my lemonade is nine cents.

number of lemons in a pitcher
cups of sugar in a pitcher
number of ice cubes in a cup
price you sell the cups for
number of people that walk by your stand

where you are selling the lemonade
cups per pitcher


What I got from it: I learned of the importance of variables, constants,and perishables and there roles in being successful in the lemonade stand game. And those same things are important in having a successful businesses. I learned that it isn't very easy to please everybody, and that there is a lot that plays into having a business that I hadn't ever thought of before.