Wednesday, October 2, 2013

20% PROJECT update

     Josie Brinkerhoff and I, Cydney Barrus, attend Free Enterprise during second period together and decided to work on a 20% project together. We have only had two days to actually work on this project due to tennis matches or regionals, but so far we have come up with the plan to get the students and teachers in our highschool to recycle plastic.
      So far we have spoken with the lunch ladies about their opinions on lactic, and the foam trays that are given out at lunch. And we have planned out how we are going to carry out most of this plan. We are going to decorate bins with bright colors to bring attention to the bins  that people are going put there plastic in. We are going to have two in each pod and a couple in the lunch room. We are also going to make posters to bring attention to the recycling plan and to the bins.
     By the end of this month we plan to have the bins done and the posters finished and hopefully put out for people to use.

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